Eric Lugosch Wohnzimmerkonzert am 36251 Bad Hersfeld

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Registriert: So Jun 15, 2008 11:32 pm
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Eric Lugosch Wohnzimmerkonzert am 36251 Bad Hersfeld

Beitrag von Lonniewegener »

Am 9. November spielt der großartige Eric Lugosch ein Wohnzimmerkonzert in Bad Hersfeld, das ich mit organisieren darf. Da es sich um ein privates Konzert handelt, wendet euch bitte an mich ( ), wenn ihr dabei sein möchtet. Es lohnt sich!!!


Press release

National Fingerpicking Champion Eric Lugosch presents a truly original and inspirational show. There are no gimmicks or gadgets --just a genuinely gifted imagination and a fluency that comes from years of working on his craft. Eric’s arrangements of traditional songs and jazz standards are now considered classics in picking circles, where he is also regarded as one of America’s best original fingerstyle composers, as well as a talented songwriter.
Eric has played and taught in festivals around the world including, The Wirral International Guitar Festival, The Ullapool Guitar Festival, International Guitar Meeting in Sarzana Italy, The New York Guitar festival. He’s shared the stage and had the honor of performing with greats such as Doc Watson, Taj Mahal, John Prine, David Bromberg.
Those who have heard Eric perform know they’ve been treated to someone special and memorable.
“Lugosch strolls onstage with his guitar into the home turfs of folk, blues, pop and jazz, shepherding influences into harmonic bliss like a global musical peacekeeper”
“Justin Hayford” Chicago Reader

“When it comes to guitar playing, arranging, and composing, there is no doubt about it, if they send some fingerpicking astronaut on one of those 300 year voyages that only takes ten years out of his life, he will find on his return--if he finds anything at all-- that guitarists are still listening to Eric’s music.”
Duck Baker

“Eric’s playing has a indefinable quality that hits you immediately. As a guitar player you may notice how beautiful the playing is and how effortlessly it flows. But if you are just a casual listener, none of this matters because his music is just plain fun to listen to. It does what music is supposed to do. It makes you feel good.”
Pat Donohue

“Eric has created some moments of pure magic and real transcendence on his recordings--the kind where I’m not even sure why the music hits me so deeply but it indubitably does. He has a discernible style and approach to the instrument that I really admire and respect. And frankly, that moves me and reminds me of why I love and play music in the first place.”
Stephen Bennett


Eric Lugosch is one of the most creative minds of the American acoustic guitar scene. Like his colleague Duck Baker – who is also one of his greatest fans – he very skillfully combines technical know-how with musical expressiveness. Lugosch is a fellow who tinkers, who consistently seeks musical depth in his arrangements and whose artistic concept is marked by both respect of tradition as well as uncompromising originality. His spectrum of color embraces the entire range of American music, be that ragtime, blues, R&B or jazz. The hallmark of this American fingerstylist consists of an elegant, vigorous tone and a twinkling humor while playing, that inevitably peers charmingly through his music. Lugosch, who hails from Philadelphia, chalked up his first musical experience as a singer in the "Philadelphia Boys Choir," – an experience that continues to echo in him to this day: "I began listening to music with an ear for the orchestral. Motifs and lines are still central elements in my way of composing." At the age of twelve he started secretly practicing on his brother's guitar and delved into the pickings of Rev. Gary Davis and Mississippi John Hurt "For me, it was solo guitar right from the start", Lugosch recalls. "I experimented a great deal, worked out lines, and was always on the lookout for the orchestral sound of the instrument." He seems to have found it, even winning the 1984 "National Fingerpicking Championship." Eric Lugosch lives in Evanston, Illinois, where he writes, teaches and continues developing his own personal vision of fingerstyle guitar beyond all clichés.